Be the Change you wish to see in the world. It all begins with us, the commitment we make within ourselves each day. Some days we make great strides and progress and other days we may take a set back, however, if we keep this mantra, this beautiful quote from Gandhi, we will become more compassionate, stronger, kinder, wiser. When you look back to the beginning of your journey, you will see that you've made great progress, but even better, the people that surrounds you, your family, your coworkers, your tribe will be inspired by you. A wonderful gift to treasure in our daily lives and what a wonderful gift to adorn to someone you know that is on a treasured journey. Teardrops of faceted London blue topaz, dark green tourmaline and tiny apatite are wrapped in 14k gold fill and dangle on top of this pendant.
BreatheAutumnRain's Be the Change - Blue Topaz Green Tourmaline Apatite Empowerment Pendant Necklace is available in 16 and 18 inches (approx. 46 and 51 cm).